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個案一:面對沉重學習壓力的中學生 父母親對阿傑的學業成績和未來事業,一直都有很高的期望。小學時候,阿傑的表現尚能令父母滿意。可是,在中學時期,阿傑在名校就讀,同學間出現高度的競爭,他逐漸失去自信,且缺乏朋輩支持,因而感到壓力很大,成績亦持續退步,後來更出現睡眠欠佳,不能集中精神等情況。到高考時,情況持續惡化,他的食慾亦欠佳。最終他高考成績欠理想,未能升讀大學後,他常常關在房間哭泣,對自我及身邊的人持有的負面看法,如:“我是一個失敗”;“沒有任何人可以幫助我”;“我有沒有前途的”等等。此外,他有很多退縮行為,不願與舊同學接觸,經常閒置在家,只花時間在網絡遊戲上。他並經常頭痛,也經常感到疲倦…。

Case 1: Secondary school student under high academic stress Ah Kit's parents have had high expectations for Ah Kit's academic performance and future career development. In primary school, his parents were satisfied with Ah Kit's academic performance. However, in secondary school, Ah Kit attended a prestigious school with keen competitions among students. He lost self-confidence gradually and lacked peer support. Thus, he was very stressed and his grades continued to decline. Then, he suffered from poor sleep and was unable to concentrate. When facing DSE, his conditions deteriorated, and his appetite was poor. His DSE results were unsatisfactory and he failed to admit to any local university. Later, he often stayed in his bedroom and wept. He had negative views of himself and the world, such as: "I am a failure"; "No one can help me"; "I have no future" and so on. Also, he became self-withdrawal, unwilling to contact his classmates, often idled at home and played online games. He had headaches and became tired very often...

個案二:追求完美的大學生 阿豪是一位大學生,家中獨子,父母離異後,和媽媽同住。他事事追求完美,也要求自己十分完美。事實上,在媽媽的愛護和督促下成長,他亦被塑造成為品學兼優的好孩子。他媽媽將畢生的希望放在他身上,期望他大學畢業後可以名成利就。由於他非常孝順,也很想滿足媽媽的期望,因此對自己的要求也越來越高,也不能接受自己犯上任何錯誤,即使他的大學教授稱讚他成績良好,但他依然相信:“我表現未夠好"、“畢業時不能考取優異成績、畢業後也不能獲取高薪好工"、“媽媽一定很失望"、“我真係無用”。後來,他經常感到身體不適,特別是胃痛和肌肉緊張﹔也經常出現焦慮不安的情緒,不能集中精神,睡眠質素差,情況越來越嚴重…。

Case two: University student pursuing perfection Ah Hao was a university student. He was the only child of his family. After his parents divorced, he lived with his mother. He pursued perfection in everything and required himself to be perfect. In fact, growing up under the care and supervision of his mother, he developed as a good boy with excellent academic achievement and conduct. His mother put all her hope on him, hoping that he would be famous with an excellent career after graduating from a university. As he was filial and wanted to meet his mother’s expectations, his demand on himself became higher and higher. He could not accept making any mistakes. Even though his university professor praised him for his good grades, he still believed: "I am not good enough", "If I can't get good grades when I graduate, I cannot get a good job", "Mum will be very disappointed," "I become useless." Later, he often felt physical discomfort, especially stomach pains and muscle tension; he also often felt anxious, unable to concentrate, poor sleep, and his conditions continued to deteriorate...

個案三:面對沉重工作壓力的職青 阿怡在大專畢業後,曾任職文職工作數年。為爭取良好工作表現和進升機會,她一面努力工作,一面修讀兼讀制學士課程。後來,她轉新公司並被獲聘為行政主任,但因工作和讀書壓力太大,經常感到焦慮、緊張和睡眠欠佳。升任為行政主任不久後,便被上司解僱。之後,她的情緒和精神狀況欠穩定,有時情緒低落,有時情緒高漲,並被醫生診斷為躁狂憂鬱症(Bipolar II)。患病後,她無論在工作、情緒控制、人際關係和家庭關係等多方面的表現都每況愈下,並且連續失業兩年多,並對自我持有負面信念:“我不受歡迎”、“我無用” …。

Case Three: Working youth under heavy work pressure After graduating from college, Ah Yi worked as an administrative assistant for several years. In order to strive for good job performance and career advancement, she had worked very hard while taking a part-time degree program. Later, she was promoted to be the administrative officer at a new company. However, due to the high pressure from work and academic study, she became anxious and nervous, and had poor sleep. Unfortunately, soon after promotion, she was fired. Since then, her emotional and mental condition became unstable. Sometimes she was depressed, while sometimes she became energetic. She received a diagnosis of Bipolar II. Later, her performance in work, emotional control, interpersonal relationships and family relationships had deteriorated continuously. She became unemployed for more than two years, and developed negative beliefs about herself: "I am not welcome" and "I am useless." ….

個案四﹕面對沉重家庭壓力的單親媽媽 阿芬的哥哥成績一向優異,並能考上大學。相比下,阿芬的成績只屬一般,父親經常表示不滿,因此阿芬感到挫敗和不開心。中學畢業後,她便找文職工作做。幾年後,與拍拖年多的男友結婚,並搬離原生家庭,自此很少與家人聯絡。她丈夫是工廠經理,須經常往返內地工作。婚後數年,她發現丈夫有外遇,便提出離婚。自此,她與年幼的女兒租住劏房。阿芬經常感到孤單,但不敢向別人透露自己的困境,因此她借打罵女兒來發泄情緒。她的女兒升中後,變得更加反叛,常與媽媽爭吵,阿芬為此感到傷心和非常內疚。在離婚之痛、經濟困難、和管教女兒的沉重壓力下,欠缺支援的她,常常失眠,情緒低落,不時哭泣,失去動力,對自我有負面信念: “我表現不夠好…。

Case 4: Single mother facing family problems Ah Fan's brother had excellent academic performance and was admitted to a university. In contrast, Ah Fan's academic performance was average, and his father was dis-satisfied with it, leading to Ah Fan’s frustration and unhappiness. After graduating from secondary school, she worked as an administrative assistant. Several years later, she married after dating with her boyfriend for several years. Since then, she left her original family, and rarely contacted her family. Her husband was a factory manager and had to work at Mainland frequently. A few years after the marriage, she divorced after discovering that her husband had an extra-marital affair. Then, she lived with her young daughter in a subdivided unit. Ah Fan often felt lonely, but did not disclose her difficulties to others. Subsequently, she ventilated her emotions by beating and scolding her daughter. When admitted to secondary school, her daughter became rebellious and often quarreled with Ah Fan. Ah Fan felt sad and very guilty about it. When facing with divorce, financial hardship, parenting problems, lack of support, she suffered from insomnia, depression, crying, loss of motivation, and developed negative beliefs about herself: “I am not good enough”...

個案五:患上廣泛性焦慮症的媽媽 阿慧為中年已婚女性,大學畢業,育有二子,個性積極負責,任職於香港一所知名中學,病發前一直表現良好。案主初小時,親眼目睹弟弟被貨車撞倒後,極度驚恐﹔在初中,又親眼目睹哥哥自殺不遂的經過﹔及後父母亦相繼因癌症離世。在一連串家庭悲劇之後,令她對生死非常敏感。最近, 她的大兒子完成大學畢業試後,便急不及待考車牌,成功後,經常駕駛朋友的車,與同學們遊車河,但由於技術欠佳,發生一、兩次車禍,雖然不太嚴重,但不由得勾起她對弟弟車禍的回憶,以及對死亡的恐懼。她明顯地對於兒子駕車感到不能自控的焦慮,開始出現呼吸急促、心悸、出汗、嘔心、顫抖的情況,而且持續不定的出現輕中度害怕,總是預期有災難發生,醫生診斷她患上廣泛性焦慮症…。

Case 5: Mother struggling with generalized anxiety disorder Ah Hui was a middle-aged woman, married, graduated from university, having two sons, active, responsible, and worked in a well-known local secondary school with satisfactory work performance. In primary school, she witnessed her younger brother being hit by a truck and was extremely frightened. In secondary school, she witnessed the unsuccessful suicidal behavior of her elder brother. Later, she witnessed the death of her parents due to cancers one after another. After a series of family tragedies, she became sensitive towards life and death issues. Recently, after her eldest son finished his university graduation examination, he was keen on driving with his friends just after getting a driving license. However, due to poor driving skills, one or two car accidents occurred. Although these accidents were not serious, these events provoked the bad memories of Ah Hui on her brother's car accident and fear of death. She had uncontrollable anxiety about her son’s driving, and experienced shortness of breath, heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, and trembling. She had mild to moderate fear, anticipated disasters, and received a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder...